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Business Re-engineering Strategic Process Model for Small-Medium Local Contractor’s Sustainable Competitiveness: A Case of Tanzania

Received: 22 July 2021     Accepted: 20 August 2021     Published: 31 August 2021
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Re-engineering the construction business process has been regarded as an acceptable management technique for reducing the overwhelmed construction challenges that have ascribed prolonged unsustainable competitiveness for most small and medium local construction firms in less developed countries. This study adopted the business re-engineering philosophy to identify and recommend the Strategic Business Process Model for the sustainable competitiveness of local firms in the domestic competitive environment. The questionnaire and in-depth interview survey were opted to collect the data from 227 respondents sampled through purposive sampling. SPSS 24-AMOS was used to analyze the data and create a structural equation model for sustainable competitiveness. The findings have revealed eleven (11) construction core and three (3) organizational process-related strategies, which suggest that the integration of design (β1=0.228, p=0.000), procurement (β2=0.091, p=0.003), construction management (β3=0.264, p=0002) and organizational (β4=0.068, 00; p=0.004) strategic processes have proved a positive significant in attaining sustainable competitiveness of local firms. The study serves as a valuable empirical mark that provides insight and initial evidence for researchers, policy makers, and stakeholders in understanding potential construction core and organizational process strategies adopted by local firms to attain a competitive advantage.

Published in American Journal of Management Science and Engineering (Volume 6, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajmse.20210604.15
Page(s) 117-136
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Small and Medium Local Contractor, Construction Processes, Business Process Re-engineering, Sustainable Competitiveness, Competitive Strategy

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  • APA Style

    Ramadhani Said Tekka. (2021). Business Re-engineering Strategic Process Model for Small-Medium Local Contractor’s Sustainable Competitiveness: A Case of Tanzania. American Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 6(4), 117-136. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajmse.20210604.15

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    ACS Style

    Ramadhani Said Tekka. Business Re-engineering Strategic Process Model for Small-Medium Local Contractor’s Sustainable Competitiveness: A Case of Tanzania. Am. J. Manag. Sci. Eng. 2021, 6(4), 117-136. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmse.20210604.15

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    AMA Style

    Ramadhani Said Tekka. Business Re-engineering Strategic Process Model for Small-Medium Local Contractor’s Sustainable Competitiveness: A Case of Tanzania. Am J Manag Sci Eng. 2021;6(4):117-136. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmse.20210604.15

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      abstract = {Re-engineering the construction business process has been regarded as an acceptable management technique for reducing the overwhelmed construction challenges that have ascribed prolonged unsustainable competitiveness for most small and medium local construction firms in less developed countries. This study adopted the business re-engineering philosophy to identify and recommend the Strategic Business Process Model for the sustainable competitiveness of local firms in the domestic competitive environment. The questionnaire and in-depth interview survey were opted to collect the data from 227 respondents sampled through purposive sampling. SPSS 24-AMOS was used to analyze the data and create a structural equation model for sustainable competitiveness. The findings have revealed eleven (11) construction core and three (3) organizational process-related strategies, which suggest that the integration of design (β1=0.228, p=0.000), procurement (β2=0.091, p=0.003), construction management (β3=0.264, p=0002) and organizational (β4=0.068, 00; p=0.004) strategic processes have proved a positive significant in attaining sustainable competitiveness of local firms. The study serves as a valuable empirical mark that provides insight and initial evidence for researchers, policy makers, and stakeholders in understanding potential construction core and organizational process strategies adopted by local firms to attain a competitive advantage.},
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    AB  - Re-engineering the construction business process has been regarded as an acceptable management technique for reducing the overwhelmed construction challenges that have ascribed prolonged unsustainable competitiveness for most small and medium local construction firms in less developed countries. This study adopted the business re-engineering philosophy to identify and recommend the Strategic Business Process Model for the sustainable competitiveness of local firms in the domestic competitive environment. The questionnaire and in-depth interview survey were opted to collect the data from 227 respondents sampled through purposive sampling. SPSS 24-AMOS was used to analyze the data and create a structural equation model for sustainable competitiveness. The findings have revealed eleven (11) construction core and three (3) organizational process-related strategies, which suggest that the integration of design (β1=0.228, p=0.000), procurement (β2=0.091, p=0.003), construction management (β3=0.264, p=0002) and organizational (β4=0.068, 00; p=0.004) strategic processes have proved a positive significant in attaining sustainable competitiveness of local firms. The study serves as a valuable empirical mark that provides insight and initial evidence for researchers, policy makers, and stakeholders in understanding potential construction core and organizational process strategies adopted by local firms to attain a competitive advantage.
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Author Information
  • Department of Construction Management and Technology, College of Architecture and Construction Technology, Mbeya University of Science and Technology, Mbeya, Tanzania

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